Shown below is detailed information and a selection of screenshots taken from the Food Menus section from both versions of the Baby's Days system.
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Unlimited Food Menus for a week can be created.
Each child can be assigned to any Food Menu for the week.
Food Menu Helpers can be used to speed up Food Menu creation.
Parents can view the Food Menus created for their child on any device including the app.
The Food Menus section is available for use by both Administrators and Parents on the Apple iPhone, Android Mobile & Amazon Fire apps as well as a web browser on a PC, laptop or tablet.
Administrators can add, edit, view and delete Food Menus for any child, and parents can view the Food Menus for their children for any week of the year.
Shown below are a selection of screenshots and additional information relating to the Food Menus section on the system.
Existing Menus
This section displays the existing menus on the system and the week they are assigned to, these menus can be edited or copied and assigned to a new week, this is extremely convenient if you use a menu rotation plan, once the menu is copied you simply assign a new week to that menu, alternatively you may just prefer to assign a new week to an existing menu and re-use it for a future weeks menu.
Create a new Menu
Creating a menu is a simple process, firstly a title should be given to the menu and the children who will be included within this menu are selected, then it is assigned to a week and finally the meals that will be eaten on each day for that week for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner are added.
Existing Food Menu Helpers you have created for the meals can also be used within the create a new menu section thus saving you time to create your new menus.
Existing menus can be copied and assigned to a new week, this will save you time should you use a menu rotation system within your setting.
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